12 Points On License What To Do Next

January 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Insurance, Transport

12 points on license are you at risk of reaching it?

Exceptional hardship

12 points on license for many drivers are apparently successfully pleading that being disqualified would cause ‘exceptional hardship’.

Andy Goldby, Director of Underwriting and Pricing at Direct Line, said: “It seems ‘exceptional hardship’ isn’t that exceptional after all. Someone who has accumulated more than 12 points on their licence has shown a complete disrespect for the law. It sends out an entirely wrong message that these individuals are still allowed to drive.

“Drivers with points on their licence are statistically more likely to have a collision and the likelihood increases with the more points they have. The system is being abused and it needs to be stopped.”


With all of the speed cameras around these days it is a surprise anyone has a licence. Get caught 4 times within 3 years and you are on a minimum of 12 points. With Government proposals to increase the fixed penalty for some speeding to 6 points you could be on 12 points by breaking the speed limit twice.

The effect of losing your licence can be devastating, you could lose your job, your livelihood and all that goes with it. It’s hard enough to get a job these days but without a licence it can be almost impossible.

12 points on license

The totting-up system

Motorists who commit driving offences can be given points on their licences rather than instant bans.

A speeding punishment can include between three and six points, depending on the seriousness if the charge, while driving without due care and attention can incur up to nine points.

Court guidelines say that any driver who accrues 12 points in a three-year period should be automatically banned for six months.

However, the court is allowed to use its discretion when deciding whether this ban should be imposed.

Any defendant who can show that disqualification could lead to “exceptional hardship” – for example if a ban would lead to them losing there job.


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